Monday, 4 November 2013

Snake Eagle series

Sometimes you get lucky with a series of pictures. I enjoyed this young Snake Eagle at the Polentswa Water hole in the Kgalagadi.

It first flew in the direction of my car and landed on a tree trunk not far away.

 I managed to catch two different landing poses!

Checking me out - and deciding that I am no real danger to its actual plan ...

It suddenly flew up again...

...back in the direction it came from, 

...but now aiming for the water hole...

My camera's outofocus managed to stay sharp as it landed...

 ...and gave me another two landing poses!

After a successful drink session, the bird decided it is time to go

It went up into the air and flew over me giving me the opportunity to get a nice in-flight shot as well

Polentswa Water hole can treat one well with not only big animals like Lion, Hyena, Leopard, and various buck species, but also a great variety of birds like these.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Pale Chanting Goshawk

The Pale Chanting Goshawk is a common bird in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. It is not always easy to get nice in flight pictures of it. But by this instance I managed to get three interesting in flight pictures of it which I share gladly.

These pictures were taken from the Hide at the Nossop campsite. 

Whilst on a trip outside the camp, we encountered three cheetas which looked as if they were on their way to the water hole at Nossop campsite - so we hurried to camp! The cheetas never arrived! But then I was fortunate to capture these pictures whilst waiting in vain for the cheetas!

The bird was sitting at the water hole - taking its time to drink water and checking out its environment. I had to wait approximately 30 minutes for it to fly up onto  tree trunk, away from me. Then, after about another 5 minutes it flew up and gave me the opprtunity to take these three pictures.

Patience rewarded!

You are welcome to have a look at my other photographic blog posts.