One's photographic skills has to be quite sharp on this, since the speed with which the Lanners dive on to their prey, usually finches, or francolins, together with the flurry of birds trying to get away form the hunter, is simultaneously exciting and difficult.
On my last trip, it took me five days of driving to a certain waterhole, sitting for two to three hours each, waiting for the lanners to strike, trying to figure out their flight pattern, predict where to focus my shortisch 200-400 lens, before I could get something decent on the last day prior to leaving the park!
The Lanner wait until a bunch of birds comes to the water hole to drink, and then strikes from a nearby tree, first trying to hit a bird with full force, and then turning in the air, coming back for the bird lying on the ground, pick it up an then fly to a nearby branch where it would start picking the feathers and eating its prey.
We also witnessed a Lanner chasing a francolin from the water hole by air for a very long distance, until my wife could only follow it with binocolars, witnessing it eventually catching its prey.
On this occasion, the Lanner picked up the finch, and flew to a nearby branch to take a snack!
After finishing the catch, it took off - back to the tree from which it launches its attack - usually about 40-60 meters from the water hole.
To us it seems that the francolins are the favourite meal by choice, and if a Lanner falcon is in the vicinity, one can be sure that it will try to strike when the francolins comes flying in for a quick sip of water.
Although I am ecstatic being able to catch some of the action, being a novice, I for certain will try again when times come!
Thanks to my wife who sits with me in the car, not interested in photography, reading a book, scanning with binocolars, pass on the snacks, being patient with me trying to achieve something unique and enjoying nature with me!
Pragtig Johan. Welgedaan